
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Help Your Child Succeed at Middle School

By Regina DeLangia

If your child isn't doing very well in school it is only natural to want to assist them as much as you can. All it usually takes is one minor adjustment, like hiring a tutor, to have a big impact. And sometimes it may take a bit more than this, so you'll need to be prepared to try a number of different tactics before things change. But don't get demoralized, if you are determined enough you'll be able to discover the right way of improving your child's grades.

You know how important an education is for your children, as a parent. Even if they are unaware of it, it can have a big impact on their lives. It's normal for you to be apprehensive if your child has less than stellar grades. There's no need to panic, though, as there are some steps you can take that can help to bring your children's grades up.

The way you talk to your children is very important. By making a child feel smarter they can do much better academically. Simply grasp every opportunity that comes along to tell your child they are intelligent. You shouldn't lie by telling them their rubbish grades are good, but you should be telling them that they're doing good whenever you can. Research has been done and has shown that children who believe they are clever tend to do much better in school. Encouraging your children when you notice anything they do that's good is great, even if it's not connected to school.

If your child is having trouble in school, chances are he or she is having more difficulty in some areas than others. Some children have special problems with math, others with reading. Even if the problem is across the board, there's a certain learning difficulty involved that may not have been identified. For this reason, you need to discover the areas your child needs help by taking them to get some comprehensive tests done. If your school isn't helpful at advising you where to get your child tested, you can go to a qualified child psychologist. You need to identify what learning disabilities your child has since it will be easier to treat once you have all the information.

If you know your child's own style of learning, you can more easily help him or her do better in school. Some people, for example, are mainly visual learners and they have to see images to absorb information. Others are more auditory and respond better to verbal explanations. And then there are people who are more tactile; touching things makes it easier for them to understand. Due to most schools teaching hundreds of children they cannot create individual learning programs for each child, so you'll need to make additional arrangements to ensure your child gets the best method of learning for their preferred style. Finding a tutor, or finding a learning program that is specially suited to your child may need to be done as part of this arrangement.

It is essential for any parent to communicate with the school as well as their children. When it comes to subjects where your children have issues, you need to get to know the teachers as well as possible. A teacher could provide you with some excellent advice on how you can help your child at home. When a teacher sees that you are interested in what you child is doing and are actively trying to help them improve, then they tend to be more understanding. You should also speak to other people at the school who might know your child quite well, like the psychologist or guidance counselor. You can then work together to form a strategy to help bring your child's grades up.

Your child's focus can be affected by the way that they eat. Nowadays kids are eating way too much sugar and rubbish food. They may also be getting too much caffeine if they are drinking soda. Sugar, caffeine, starchy foods and possibly certain chemicals and additives can make children nervous and even hyperactive. They can also cause mood swings in sensitive children (and adults as well). These varying symptoms are of course not good for your child's education. Therefore you need to assess your children's diet and see if there's anything affecting their learning.

Children who spend a lot of time indoors seem to have problems focusing in school, a fact revealed by numerous studies. Factors such as a lack of exercises as well as too little fresh air and sunlight can affect a child. A related issue is that kids who are mainly indoors are constantly in a structured environment, whether at school or play. A child's creativity is increased by free play, which is why they should be removed from structure once in a while. So make sure your children aren't spending all of their free time taking classes, playing on teams and other organized activities. Be certain that your child has lots of time to play outside freely.

Helping your child in school, as we've seen in this article, can involve many different factors. Each child will have their own reasons for needing help. The reasons may vary from simply not having a good diet to staying up too late. Therefore you need to identify the possible causes for the problems.

All you need to do is talk with your child and come up with a schedule to improve things.

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